Beowulf's body is taken to Hronesness, where his funeral pyre is burned and his funeral mound is constructed. The mound is filled with the treasure that Beowulf won from the dragon and all of the Geats gather around to lament the death of their lord.
He wanted a funeral pyre so he could fill it with his treasures ;)
Why does the old man add "if you should live till then"? He adds that, because he knows they won't last long. They will probably die quickly. ... The rioter accuses the old an of being a spy for death.
"The man who was almost a man" speaks of Dave, who had conflicts with gaining recognition and respect, because he was young. He wanted to grow up and become a man. For this he bought a weapon, thinking that it would make him grow as a man. Seeking power, he buys this weapon, to feel powerful, unstoppable. All these conflicts of the dave age led him to make some bad decisions. The story well specifies this when he accidentally shoots a mule, and he cannot sustain the excuse he made up for it, and when he decides to take a train and go to a city where he would be able to man up.
<em>A karyotype</em> is a term which refers to:
- an individual's collection of chromosomes - parts of the cell that contain genes.
- the procedure used to photograph an individual's chromosomes.
This technique is not used to track the occurrence of a trait in a family, but to look for abnormalities in the number or structure of chromosomes.
Answer:bad because he or she thinks the general doesn't like them