Windows stores information from the Credential Manager application in secure folders called<u> VAULTS.</u>
- A credential vault is a database used to store passwords and similar cryptographic key material.
- The most common data stored in a credential vault are current and historical passwords to privileged accounts.
- All credentials are saved in special folders on the computer, a place called Vaults. Moreover, you can back up all credentials to a file and restore them on to different computer.
- Vault is a shareware program that acts as a bank vault, or safe, where you can keep you private information or files hidden and secure.
- Everything in the vault is protected with an advanced encryption, and requires a password (your password) to open the vault to access the information.
1.) narrative = a THATS all I can answer rn sorryyyy
machine language uses binary code and assembly language uses mnemonic codes to write a program.
In a nutshell, machine language uses binary code, which is almost impossible for humans to decipher, whereas assembly language uses mnemonic codes to write a program. Mnemonic codes make it simpler for humans to understand or remember something, and so make the language a bit easier for humans to use than machine code.
complex formula in excel is which contain more than 1 mathematical operators . An order of mathematical operations are important to understand
there are different type of operators
- Arithmetic operators
- Comparison operators
- Text operators
- Operators reference
here Comparison operator is an example of complex formula . Comparison operator returns TRUE/FALSE it is use to compare two values
= Equal to
< Less than
> Greater than
>= Greater than or Equal to
<= Less than or Equal to