JTextField is a Swing control which can be used for user input or display of output. It corresponds to a textfield and can be included with other controls such as JLabel, JButton,JList etc. on a comprehensive user interface which is application dependent. JTextField supports a read-write mode where the user can enter a value and it also supports a read-only mode which can be used to display non-editable output to the user.
Windows 10 if this is what I think u mean
line 4
if salary < 30000
error missing ":"
if salary < 30000:
line 6
tax = salary * 0.2
error is missing identifier for tax
solution add identifier for tax on line 3
tax = 0.0
line 11
error syntax
solution is move tax = salary * 0.4 + 6000 to the right
tax = salary * 0.4 + 6000
The code is given in the explanation section
//Class Airconditioner
public class AirConditioner {
private boolean turnOnOff;
//The Constructor
public AirConditioner(boolean turnOnOff) {
this.turnOnOff = turnOnOff;
//method turn_on
public void turn_on(){
this.turnOnOff = true;
//method turn_off
public void turn_off( ){
this.turnOnOff = false;
// A new class to test the airconditional class
class AircondionTest{
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Creating an object of the Aircondional class
AirConditioner office_a_c = new AirConditioner(false);
//Using the reference varible to call method turn_on