“d Dead birds is bad luck,” said Aunt Nicey, poking her head from the kitchen door. “Specially red dead birds!
Foreshadowing is a literary device that gives a hint of what may occur in the future or later in the story, it may be found in dialogues, symbols, titles, "bad feelings" from the character, etc. The mention of red dead birds nearby Doodle, it is a symbol of back luck, tragedy, and death, therefore, with this hint, the reader may be highly sure that Doodle is going to die.
B. citizen participating in electing leaders
In the United States 27 amendments have been ratified. But, the United States has changed in history. 1776, Voting was controlled by individual state legislators. Only white men age 21 and older who owned land could vote. 1870, the 15th amendment eliminated racial barriers to voting. 1920, the 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. 1924, the Indian citizenship act granted Native Americans citizenship and voting rights. As time goes on changes began to proceed. United States got many different voting rights that made great impacts on where we are at today. As the amendments have flourished, remember the women, Africans and many others who put up a fight for there rights. Women had riots, protest and many other activities for them to be heard. Voting is very important especially for everyone to have a chance to do so.
When your text states that communication is unavoidable, it means that people will probably associate meaning to your actions, even when you don not intend to speak of something.