That would be him, its or her.
I know because i take Spanish class
4. desayuno, almuerzo, cena
5. la zanahoria
6. si lo como
7. el pescado esta sabroso
8. 12:50
9. I am thirsty
10. snack, breakfast?
11. me gusta
12. te gusta; caliente
13. comen; bebe
14. si quiero postre
15. que sabroso esta
16. fireworks
sorry i did not take spanish class
The students of the UNAM do not live (live) a very large university. 74 study courses. in student residences. the biggest (biggest) city in Latin America. 2. Mexico, D.F. It is a very big university. 74 study courses. in student residences. the biggest (biggest) city in Latin America. 3. The UNAM is a very large university. 74 study courses. in student residences. the biggest (biggest) city in Latin America. 4. The UNAM offers a very large university. 74 study courses. in student residences. the biggest (biggest) city in Latin America.
I translated I hope it was somewhat helpful to understand.