NATO was against communism. Warsaw pact was for communism.
Facts about the Egyptian gods:
1. There were over 2,000 names of gods in ancient Egypt
2. Some images depict the gods with human bodies and animal heads
3. Ra was the most important god, he is depicted with a human body and a falcon head
Facts about mummification:
1. mummification practices in Egypt began in 2,400 B.C
2. People were not the only things mummified, animals were also mummified
3. The pyramids of Egypt were built to protect the bodies of kings that have been mummified
Facts about the afterlife:
1: Egyptians believed that death was a temporary thing
Hope this helps!!
there is a need to make important decisons as a family because if you dont there could be a fight, or anything. In my family was have a family meeteing and then we make decions. we make sure we all agt=ree on something befor doing it.