The boyars, a high rank in the feudal system of Russia and nearby. They were aristocrats.
The crusades were attempts to take back the holy land by the catholic church while tyring to spread their religion at the smae time
This was known as the "iron curtain." It was a term used to describe the boundary in Europe, which formed at the end of WWII and lasted until the ending of the Cold War.
The framers of the constitution intended that the Congress would play a major part in the American democracy. They left the president’s power without many boundaries, counting on check and balances as a power to hold the presidency. The framers of the constitution didn’t want the president to be a slave of the Congress, this is the reason probably the framers would be in favor of the presidency’s expanded powers, they wanted a balance between a free man who is stronger than governors but not as free as a monarch.
After the fall of the Ching Dynasty, the Republic of China (RoC) emerged. However it was riven by internal strife. Much of the early years was spent fighting the various warlords. After the death RoCs founder Sun Yat-Sun, he was succeeded by Chiang Kai Shek aka Generalissimo. He spent much of his time building up the Chinese army and fighting other warlords and the Communists. It was effectively strongman politics. Sun Yat-Sun and Chiang Kai Shek were not elected, so in a sense, similar to Communists. Chiang was aligned with the West. Mao with the Soviets. An interesting bit of trivia is that the crack Chinese units were trained by the Germans. They gave a good account in the Battle for Shanghai, although their strength was depleted after that. This is why some Chinese officers used the Mauser C96 aka Broomhandle pistol.