Quebec is primarily francophone, Ontario is primarily anglophone. Quebec is the 2nd most populous province, Ontario the most populous. Ontario is somewhat wealthier (Toronto is the business capital of Canada). Quebec is very nationalistic and has a strong but currently fading separatist movement.
The ocean and the lush coastal forests provided the Northwest Coast people with everything that they needed to survive. Tribes carved huge canoes made from cedar or spruce trees. The boats could fit up to 30 people, who paddled into the sea to hunt otters, seals, and whales.
Roman Empire: Centred on Rome, Latin was the official language, Roman Catholic church.
Byzantine empire: Centred on Constantinople, Greek was the official language, Eastern Orthodox Church.
Rome was one of the important and most powerful civilisations that ruled much of Europe for almost 1000 years. Latin and Greek were its official languages. Latin was their original language and remained the language of military, legislation and administration throughout the classical period. <em>After the fall of Roman Empire in 476, the catholic church was competing with the Arian Christians to convert the barbarian tribes</em> and became the dominant form of Christianity. In Roman Catholicism monastic communities were centres for learning and preservation of classical culture.
Greek civilisation lasted from the Greek Dark ages to the end of antiquity. It was at its climax under the rule of Alexander the Great. He conquered Syria, Judea, Gaza, Anatolia, Egypt , Persia , Mesopotamia and Bactria. Greek Orthodox church is related to Byzantine Empire because its history, theology and traditions are related to Early church fathers and the Culture of Byzantine. <em>They conformed to the christian faith as represented in the creeds of the early church. </em>