A print is a copy of a painting it isn’t made by the real artist it’s just a copy but a one of a kind painting is a true painting made by the artist and not just copied
This type of weaving is called "Fancy", but also "Classic Tartan" or "Veronica".
This was he fervent period of EUROPEAN CULTURAL, artistic, political and economic rebirth following the middle ages.
Multicolred art would be a mosaic.
Sorry I don't have time for the rest but here is the first question.
Classical musicians perform, compose and/or conduct music. They might play an instrument or sing live or recorded classical music, do session work for backing tracks, adverts and film.
A studio musician is in essence a musical “gun for hire,” a musician who is paid to play on tracks or even in live performances without actually being a member of the band. The studio musician career basically emerged in the 1920s and 1930s as the infant recording industry began to grow's, conduct performances, or write music.