<h2>Given below is a short elaboration of concurrent powers, its functioning, and its distribution:
- Conducting and regulating elections and allied activities, the imposition of taxes, and borrowing money can be identified as three concurrent powers of government.
- These powers have been set up in the given manner in order to avoid traits like imbalance of power, partial distribution of resources, excessive dominance of the central government on the state governments, etc.
- The federal government should not be in full control of concurrent powers as it would result in emergence of conflicts between the states and the federal government.
Junto con el lenguaje, el parentesco es sin duda la principal institución humana, que constituye nuestra principal diferencia específica con las demás especies animales. Las otras también se comunican y se aparean, pero sólo los seres humanos decimos "no" (principal característica del lenguaje) y sólo nosotros, al emparejarnos (lo que implica decir no a las parejas prohibidas por el tabú del incesto), contraemos alianzas con otras familias, reforzando y ampliando nuestras redes de parentesco: es la regla de exogamia que fundamenta el orden social. Valga esta simplista generalización para introducir mi comentario a este gran libro que describe la transformación de las redes españolas de parentesco, como creadoras y reproductoras de los órdenes institucionales (asentamientos de la población, organizaciones económicas, regímenes políticos, representaciones culturales, etcétera) que se han venido sucediendo sobre el territorio español. Una empresa tan ambiciosa que amenazaba con resultar fallida, pero que viene a suponer un indudable progreso respecto a los escasos precedentes con que contábamos: la monografía de David Reher La familia en España. Pasado y presente (Alianza, 1996) y La historia de la familia en la península Ibérica (UCLM, 2008) compilado por Francisco García González (que también firma aquí uno de los mejores capítulos).
posdata denada espero que te aiga servido de ayuda
4) abstract; concrete
Alene is able to easily understant abstract concepts and ideas, which is why she comments the reasoning about the conclusion of the apple A being bigger than apple C. Aline shows an abstract thought, while Janis shows a concrete thought as evidenced in her only being able to "get it" after Alene explained again, using the physical apples. She needed to see a physical object in order to understand the idea.
Answer: Justification of effort
Justification of effort is a phenomenon whereby people view a goal or endpoint as beneficial and more favorable, if they worked hard or put more effort into achieving it. Justification of effort makes the goal to appear more attractive, worthwhile and justifies the effort put into accomplishing the goal. Effort justification helps in increasing attraction and commitment to a goal, group cohesion and stability are enhanced, effort justification is likely to increase persistence at tasks that are not altogether pleasant, especially when such tasks are seen as chosen.
The correct answer is A. True
In sociology, the Functionalist theory or perspective proposes society is a complex system in which structures or institutions guarantee societies can survive over time and there is stability. In terms of institutions, these include family, religion, government, etc. and each of them supports a function in society and are necessary for society to prevail over time, due to this, in the Functionalist theory each action, institution or element in society exists due to a reason or function and just disappear or change according to it. Thus, it is true in the functionalist perspective structures prevail because they are necessary for society to survive.