The answer is commas. <span>When listing columns in the select list, commas should be used to separate the columns.</span>
The bastion host node is typically an influential server with better-quality security actions and custom software. It frequently hosts only a single request because it wants to be very good at whatever it does. The software is commonly modified, limited and not obtainable to the public. This host is envisioned to be the strong fact in the network to care for the system last it. Therefore, it often endures unvarying maintenance and audit. Occasionally bastion hosts are used to draw occurrences so that the basis of the attacks may be outlined. The bastion host practices and filters all inward traffic and averts malicious traffic from incoming the network, acting much like a gateway.
Following is attached the solution for all parts. I hope it will help you!
length = float(input("Enter length of the backyard in foot: "))
width = float(input("Enter width of the backyard in foot: "))
sod_price = float(input("Enter the price of sod per square foot: "))
fencing_price = float(input("Enter the price of fencing per foot: "))
area = length * width
perimeter = 2 * (length + width)
cost = sod_price * area + fencing_price * perimeter
print("The cost of landscaping is $" + str(cost))
*The code is in Python.
Ask the user to enter the length, width, sod_price, and fencing_price
Calculate the area and perimeter of the backyard
Calculate the cost, sod_price * area + fencing_price * perimeter
Print the cost
// program in C.
// headers
#include <stdio.h>
// headers
#include <stdlib.h>
// headers
#include <limits.h>
// main function
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// read value of N from command line arguments
int N=atoi(argv[1]);
// variables
int max=INT_MIN;
// variable
int min=INT_MAX;
int rA[N],i;
// fill the array with random number
// generate random number from -50 to +50
// find the Maximum
// find the Minimum
// print values of array
printf("values of the array are:");
printf("%d ",rA[i]);
// print Maximum
printf("\nMaximum value is:%d",max);
// print Minimum
printf("\nMinimum value is:%d",min);
return 0;
Read value of N from command line.Then create an array of size N.Fill the array with random number from -50 to +50.Then find the Maximum of all the elements and assign it to variable "max" and find Minimum from all and assign it to variable "min". then print all the elements of the array, Minimum and Maximum.
command line argument=10
values of the array are:-18 -18 4 -38 2 6 -42 -20 -6 44 -6 -11 15 -31 1
Maximum value is:44
Minimum value is:-42