In his comedy "Poor Harold", Floyd Dell presents in a one act play depicts the adversity of Harold who wrote letters to a married woman without knowing that she was fond of having affairs despite being married.
In this excerpt from "Poor Harold.” the author represents all the bitterness, shame and some sort of resentment Harold has in his heart. By reading sentences like : "how was I to know that a rather plain-featured woman I sat next to...was conducting a dozen love-affairs?" we can see that Poor Harold is fulled with bitterness.
So the final Answer is:
There is no adverb. There would be if it was slowly grooms or another word before grooms, the verb.
Well if the bird is a pet it needs to stay in the cage to not fly around all over the place. For instance if an animal is injured or sickly with healthy problems staying in a cage is safer for it because it will not get hurt in the wild.
Hope this helps
Because McDonald's is the second largest chain of fast food around the world. There are around 36,000 outlets worldwide. People are so in love with McDonald's and so crazy about it that people started to eat as their meal everyday. So Morgan Spurlock wanted to show what could happen if kept living on McDonald's.