I want to say it's C cuz to me that would make more since..
Answer with Explanation:
Yes, my experience at this time of pandemic changed the way I decide on things. For example, <em>I decided to spend more time at home rather than going to the mall,</em> which I normally did before the pandemic. I believe this will lessen the possibility of my contracting the corona virus.<em> I also celebrated my birthday at home with my family instead of celebrating it with my classmates</em>. Instead of going to the restaurant to eat or take out food, I'd order through Food Apps. In this case, I don't need to commute <em>(as this increases my exposure to the virus)</em> and it's more convenient.
If ever I go out of the house, I make sure to bring a mask and an alcohol with me. Upon going home, I also make sure to take a bath. Such things are now included in my decisions.
good job..
is that apart of a quiz?..
The shift in structure from an autobiographical tale to a "bedtime story" or a "fairy tale" increases the personal interest of the reader into the story itself.
The reader starts meeting a family that could be his/hers. The family starts facing some problems or a horrific nightmare. The fairy tale, then, allows the reader to go beyond the borders of the story itself and start picturing himself/herself in the action.
The reader then starts to this how he/she might act? How can the family be protected?....and so on.