And so far, no friends, though he had noticed a group of girls pointing at him and giggling earlier.
The phrase acciam shows that Colin had no friends and was a very lonely boy. This was due to the creation that Colin received that totally affected his personaality, leaving him lonely, pampered and pssimistic. However, in the course of history we see that Colin no longer wants this reality, he becomes a totally different, active, positive, loving and cheerful boy. Which shows that he developed completely and became a better human being.
Trade with China is an enormous privilege
The Emperor seems to do that because the European States will be in need of what China has, but he does state that it is a signal mark of <u>favour</u> (this word can be defined as: "an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual"). This shows that even though you might consider that the emperor is being kind, he also believes that he is conceiving a privilege to the westerns.
Personification is a figure of speech where human qualities are give to animals, objects or ideas.
Two examples of sky turned to personification :
1. The sun glared down at me from <span>sky.
2. T</span><span>he stars danced playfully in the moonlit </span>sky.
It is a pun.
This is because it is a figure of speech that exploits a word's meaning in this case that the book was impossible to put down.
You say it Haley! all peoples names are the same!