1: plant cells have a cell wall and also have a cell organelle called chloroplasts. Cell wall provides the structure for a plant because it doesn’t have bones like animals do, and chloroplast help make it food through photosynthesis. 2: the cell membrane in both plant And animal cells helps lets needed materials in for the cell (plant: lets in water, and co2) (animal: lets in other materials), cell wall provides structure to a plant cell, but animals don’t have it because we have bones. Nucleus in both plant a animal cells help control the organelles and make them function properly, cytoplasm in both plant and animal cells helps hold all the organelles of the cells in place and lets materials travel around the cell to where it’s needed. The mitochondria help provide both an animal and plant cel energy for its everyday processes and is needed for the organelles to function properly. The chloroplasts which are only in plant cells, helps the plant make food for itself whereas we can shut get our nutrients by getting up and getting/eating food. Finally, vacuoles in both plant and animal cells helps hold food and other materials for the cells but mainly in plant cells where the vacuoles are bigger and are needed to hold much of the extra water for when the cell needs it.
1.Plant cells have a cell wall, but animals cells do not. Cell walls provide support and give shape to plants. Plant cells have chloroplasts, but animal cells do not. ... Plant cells usually have one or more large vacuole(s), while animal cells have smaller vacuoles, if any are present.
The appropriate answer is A. the density of ice would be greater than the density of liquid water and so ice would not float. Density can be defined as mass per unit volume. Any substance whose mass is great and occupies a relatively small volume is going to be dense.
Water expands by nine to ten percent when it freezes and this expansion increases the space occupied or the volume and so the density of ice is less than water.
The correct answer is <em><u>"Mechanized plows allow larger areas to be farmed by a single farmer."</u></em>
Mechanized plows allow large areas of land to be plowed quickly. A further benefit is that mechanized plows do not fatigue as people and animals do. Because of this, mechanized plows help contribute to the increasing size of modern farms.