In Greek mythology, Laius, king of Thebes, consulted the oracles and was told that he would have a son. This son was going to kill him. ... The name Oedipus means “swollen feet”.
John Muir was an American-Scottish naturalist who loved storms. In his essay " A Windstorm in the Forest", he wrote that he delighted in his experience of climbing to the top of the trees and riding out the storm for hours. He would then close his eyes and listen to the music of the storm or indulge himself to the rich fragrance that was streaming past.
I 1lt is so hot now<span> that </span>Abuelo has decided we should do<span> l </span>our exercise walks after dinner<span>, when </span>it's almost nightfall. ZEvery day this week, though, it has rained<span> ...</span>
His good intentions and sincere desire to help the afflicted motivate him.
Unfortunately, Hale is also vulnerable. His zeal for discovering witchcraft allows others, particularly Abigail, to manipulate him. The amount of evidence for witchcraft when he arrives in Salem overwhelms him. Although Hale remains determined not to declare witchcraft unless he can prove it, the expectations of the people of Salem sweep him up, and, as a result, he takes their evidence at face value, rather than investigating it himself.