The correct answer is True.
A marketing strategy helps to create products and services with the best possibilities of obtaining benefits. This is because the marketing strategy begins with market research, taking into account the optimal target customer, what the competition is doing and what trends could be on the horizon.
Using this information, determine the benefit customers want, what they are willing to pay and how you can differentiate the product or service from the competition.
By completing form 8888 from tax application
When applying for tax refund, you can transfer your amount into 2 or 3 separate accounts. If you want to split your refund then you need to complete form 8888 and attach it with tax return. This form tells IRS, in which accounts and how much you want to deposit through refund.
Answer: The creation of a government set price for gasoline by ni government.
In 1970 president Nixon inteoduced a soft artificial price ceiling on gasoline in the United States. This was as a result of the OPEC crisis of 1970s. It is a good example of scenerios where the cost of government action outweighs the benefits. this was due to the creation of the government-set price which would cause the quantity demanded to be more than the quantity supplied because gasoline was cheaper now.
Direct Investment
Direct investment is a technique of expanding into the foreign market in which an investor puts money into a business operating in another country designed in such a way to acquire controlling interest in the enterprise been invested in. It is a method used in controlling the interest of a business organization in another country different from yours. In direct investment, emphasis is laid on an organization from one country investing in another organization in a different country. Since NCD has financial resources and wants controlling interest in his expansion, direct investment is the way to go.