The human digestive system consists of the gastrointestinal tract plus the accessory organs of digestion. Digestion involves the breakdown of food into smaller and smaller components, until they can be absorbed and assimilated into the body. The process of digestion has three stages
Forests would be able to survive a disease better.
Many studies have taken place for many years to determine what type of ecosystem can best survive diseases effectively. A recent study has concluded that the forests are the viable ecosystem which can survive a disease better then any other ecosystem; followed by grasslands as the second best.
The study states that the chances of forests are better as the ecosystem contains many different species of trees and plants. The mix of several species in an ecosystem helps in surviving climate changes, pests and severe diseases. According to the study, the diversity of different biological species have a better rate of production than an environment which has only one species in it. The biodiversity will help produce the amount of energy that would best suit the needs of population.
The variable that does not rely on another variable. IVs can include time, weather, etc.
The answer is A.
The cuticle is a protective film that is non cellular covering the outer cell layer (epidermis) of green, aerial parts of plants. Cuticles protect plants against drying (desiccation), UV radiation, and various kinds of physical, chemical and (micro)biological agents.
The cuticle also provides some support. Actually the cuticle which protects the underlying tissues has basically the same function as our own skin.
In several groups of plants, cuticles are very resistant. Only few groups do not generally have highly resistant cuticles e.g. ferns and lycopods.
The thymus is a vital role in creating white blood cells.