Cultural diversity
Cultural diversity can be described as having a variety of cultures in the same area.
Culture on its own means beliefs, customs, and traditions of a specific group of people. It simply means the way of life of a people.
Cultural diversity usually fosters cultural unity in most cases becsuse the different cultures always tend to do everything together.
The design plan that encourages the use of two or more languages and the use of a recommended colour in creating a webpage in a place that has multiple ethnic groups is cultural diversity approach. As this puts into consideration all the cultures in its design.
The second one
This is because a computer uses binary and only understands two digits which consit of 1 and 0
Clouds might be ordered by shape and by height. Luke Howard, a British drug specialist was the first to portray cloud shapes utilizing Latin terms, for example, cirrus, cumulus or stratus. The division of mists into ten fundamental cloud structures or cloud genera depends on his productions.
it's not necessary in a field to have .
computer ethis are crime done using computer technology (true )and(false)
answer- true