Yes, "technology" doesn't have to be all about computers or cell phones.. Technology is anything that is a new advance in knowledge and books were once a great advance in that field.
def length( mystring):
count = 0
for i in mystring:
count += 1
return count
def reversed( mystring):
strlist = []
for i in range(length(mystring)):
strlist.append(mystring[(length(mystring) - 1) - i])
txt = "".join(strlist)
return txt
string = 'Yolanda'
The python module defines two functions 'reversed' and 'length'. The length function counts the number of characters in a string variable while the reversed function reverses the string variable value.
Failure of the <u>Brake master </u>cylinder will often result in sudden unexpected loss of the ability to stop the vehicle
The ability to stop the vehicle lies with the Brakes. If brakes of a vehicle do not work properly then it might become difficult to stop the vehicle. This happens when a cylinder called brake master cylinder fails.
The brake master cylinder might not work properly with the passage of time or it can form internal leaks. This is the master cylinder and it controls other cylinders in a vehicle. Its failure affect the brakes badly, it will be unsafe to drive such a vehicle.
Boom operator- Microphone
Director of photography- video camera
Art Director- lighting
Gaffer- set building
B. Border. It borders the outer page.