Carrying capacity, or the greatest number of people that an environment can support over time without harming or degrading it, is controlled by a few basic factors: food supply, water availability, and space. Carrying capacity, or the greatest number of people that an environment can support over time without harming or degrading it, is controlled by a few basic factors: food supply, water availability, and space.
deficiency of color vision in which the person can match any given hue by mixing only two other wavelengths of light (as opposed to the three wavelengths needed by people with normal color vision) synonyms: dichromasy, dichromatism, dichromatopsia, dichromia.
Answer:Radioisotope Liver Scanner.
Radioisotope liver scan is a type of nuclear medication in which the radioactive tracer is formed by adding radioactive atoms to the molecules absorbed by the normal liver tissues.
It is used in diagnosing liver diseases.
The aa genotype should
a*a = 0.4 * 0.4 = 0.16
The two resulting populations will evolve and adapt differently over time to the different ranges as the conditions change in both ranges.
Their color, size, lifespan, and consumption choices may change with that.
After all of this takes place, you're left with 2 new breeds/species of butterflies.
Hope I helped :)