Os anglo-americanos normalmente falam principalmente em inglês, mas alguns também podem falar espanhol. Todo o resto realmente depende da pessoa, seja religião, emprego ou personalidade.
Venus the second planet, rotates once every 243 Earth days. What's more, Venus rotates backwards from the direction of its orbit around the Sun, as do Uranus and tiny dwarf planet Pluto. Uranus even lies down on the job, rolling around with its axis of rotation pointed nearly toward the Sun.
Well i know nothing about this but i do know that snow and rain are both forms of water and they both can in difficult situations can be used as a source for hydration though it it is not supposed to be the first choice for hydration. obviously they are different because snow can be shaped into many things if you have patience, skill, and time, but water is a complete liquid and cannot be formed into things. As im typing im forgetting a lot so i hope this was useful and im sorry for not knowing about this stuff yet.
have a good day :/
The sun (solar energy)
The Earth (geothermal) this can also be known as internal
I think its B C D are the ones that fit the most