the third circle nanwnnwnw
Meriwether Lewis,William Clark,President Thomas Jefferson
That's the 3 names
This is an example of embodied cognition.
Embodied cognition refers to the idea that the body can influence cognition, that is, the mental processes of thinking, knowing, judging, etc. According to your mother, the other person's judgment of you can be influenced by the bodily senses of taste and smell, for instance. A hot drink and the smell of cookies will certainly cause the person's body to feel good, comfortable. That will, in its turn, influence the person's mind, making him feel welcomed, happy. Consequently, that could influence that person's judgment of you.
Austria wage war against Hungary. Austria had asked military assistance from Russia. Russia was able to give 200,000 Russian soldiers. Because of the this, the US had sent someone from their office to negotiate between Austria and Hungary. However, they were not able to do so because Austria, alongside the Russian soldiers have already defeated Hungary