The Knights of labor was the largest and one of the most important American labor organizations of the 1880s. It was founded on the 28th day of December in year 1869 by Uriah Stephens. They promoted the producers ethic of republicanism and demanded the eight-hour day, rejected socialism and anarchism and encouraged the social and cultural uplift of the workingman. In 1880, the organization reached 28,000 members and even gained more members to 100,000 in 1884. But in 1893, the knights of labor declines its membership because of public pressure, power vested in reformist factions, and employers' unwillingness to arbitrate.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
La pregunta es ambigua y no incluye mayor referencia, época o contexto. De ahí que podemos comentar de manera general lo siguiente.
Uno de los movimientos Europeos más reconocidos por el impacto cultural y emocional que provocó fue el llamado Renacimiento que inició en la Italia del siglo XIV, cuando el Humanismos empezó a cambiar los conceptos que imperaron en la época obscura de la Edad Media.
El Renacimiento se caracterizó además por el nacimiento de grandes artistas, escultores y pintores de la talla de Miguel Ángel Buonarroti, Leonardo Da Vinci y Rafael, impresionantes artistas que elevaron las emociones de la gente con sus perfectas creaciones.
Answer: The answer is:
Clara Josephine Wieck a German pianist, composer and piano teacher.
She married Robert Schumann, composer known for his piano music, songs and orchestral music.
It allowed for the allied powers to be supplied and fully equipped during the entirety of the war as well as out producing the Germans and Japanese.