I believe the answer is: Family structures are changing, but families remain important to American life.
The main reason of the changing structures is the increase in divorce rate, and non-monogamous relationship. In the past, almost all children only have one father and one mother. In recent years, children could have more than 2 parents or even only one (in case of single parenthood)
a. Long Cycle Theory
In international relations theory, the Long Cycle Theory was first presented by George Modelski in his book <em>Long Cycles in World Politics</em> (1987). Modelski claims that <u>the US replacing Britain as the leader of the International System after World War II is part of a cycle in international relations where one hegemon is gradually replaced by another over a period of roughly a century</u>.
The transition from one hegemonic power to another leads to the new world power carrying on the costs associated with such a position. And unlike defenders of the realist school of international relations, Modelski doesn't see this cycle as produced by the anarchy of the internationals system, but rather as a natural consequence of economic and political developments, including wars. According to him, Portugal was the world hegemon in the 16th century, Netherlands in the 17th century, Britain stretched his period of international dominance over the 18th and 19th century, and since the 20th century, the United States is the world's dominant hegemon.
(B). collect government taxes
A Bank is a financial institution that helps with the management of money, gives out loans, and gets profits in return. Banks only provide a means through which taxes are paid by opening an account for the government. Banks help people save their money, issue credit cards, store money in a safe place, etc. It is the function of the tax revenue service hired by the government to perform this duty. Hence, it is not within the banks' jurisdiction to collect taxes.
The concentration of iodide ions in a saturated solution of silver iodide is 9.1 x 10-9m. the solubility product constant of age is.
Concentration is a very common concept used in chemistry and related fields. It is the measure of how much of a given substance there is mixed with another substance.
iodine. Although the iodide ion is colorless, iodide solutions may acquire a brownish tint as a result of oxidation of iodide to free iodine by atmospheric oxygen. Molecules of elemental iodine, consisting of two atoms (I2), combine with iodides to form polyiodides typically I2 + I− → I−3.
Learn more about iodide ion here
88% of rocks are almost completely devoid of fossils
Precambrian era which means "Before the Cambrian period". Geologists have found that there are some hard to discern fossils in some Precambrian rocks. Precambrian covers almost 90% of the entire history of the Earth whereby 88% of rocks are almost completely devoid of fossils which has been divided into three eras: The Hadean, The Archean and The Proterozoic