Was a hollow globe with a thick outer layer
Please provide the examples. It's hard to help without that piece of information. I quit being a mind reader last year.
This solution is implemented in python
num1 = float(input("Number 1: "))
num2 = float(input("Number 2: "))
num3 = float(input("Number 2: "))
print("Sum: "+str(num1+num2+num3))
This line prompts the user for the first number
num1 = float(input("Number 1: "))
This line prompts the user for the second number
num2 = float(input("Number 2: "))
This line prompts the user for the third number
num3 = float(input("Number 2: "))
This calculates and prints the sum
print("Sum: "+str(num1+num2+num3))
Releasing hormones is one way this can happen. Hope this helps.