Some creative ways Todd can use to help the hospital understand the importance of an integrated revenue cycle team would be bringing a former teammate to explain the benefits they reached using that strategy, show finance numbers from different departments and compare them to numbers from the same departments before Todd was hired, offer two months trial to know what team work feels like and the benefits it can bring to the Hospital, integrate every single employee to the team and give them a responsability, that is going to give them some power, respect and love for what they are doing.
same to you XD XD........
They scorned and rejected the post-impressionists' new vision and purpose.
Post-impressionism was for a long time considered an inferior form of art and many did not even consider works as art and as something relevant. This is because, post-impressionism endeavored to show spontaneity, giving less emphasis to technical elements and more emphasis on presenting sentimental and emotional elements of the human being. Thus, in the beginning, people despised and rejected the purposes and works of post-impressionist artists.
off center