b. mental set in his problem-solving.
Hello! Instead of doing homework in the traditional way and only using one way to solve algebra exercises, Rylee strives to find different options and techniques. Not falling into the monotonous is his work style, nor using the same techniques that I use to solve a previous exercise since that gives more room for error.
Help students avoid factors that hinder problem solving
By listing the many ways to use the large rubber band, students are able to grasp and understand the rubber band fully. In this way there many options that a person would consider when trying to get creative with problem solving that may involve the rubber. Since the student very different facets to the rubber, he/she is able to devise a loophole that may create a way to solve a problem using the rubber band.
Question Options:
a. Authority compliance leadership
b. Team leadership
c. Country club leadership
d. Middle-of-the road leadership
e. Impoverished leadership
Answer: This is an example of MIDDLE OF THE ROAD LEADERSHIP.
Middle of the road leadership style involves a balanced concern for production and people.
This style is also known as the status quo. The managerial grid model is a style leadership model developed by Robert R. Blake and Jane Mouton in 1964.
Managers who use this style hope to achieve suitable performance but often neither production or people needs are met.
E - All of the options are correct.
A) The media power actually increases consumerism. We live in a society based on consume; the media directs it in many ways.
B) The powerful use the media or social media to manipulate, to induce ideas into the minds of the people who uses it. They redirect the information to manipulate. For example, Mark Zuckeberg's scandal.
C) The media has loyalty in a group of people depending what ideas they share.
D) Citizens don't always engage in critical examination of the power. They criticise only those who they don't like.
Popular Sovereignty is the idea that power comes from the People. Prior to the Constitution, Power came from a King, Queen, or special class (nobility or priests). Power was concentrated within one person. The idea that a common person had the same rights as one from a noble class was revolutionary and went against all the teachings of the day. The idea that common people had the power to overthrow a ruler for being corrupt was even more revolutionary. The Constitution was often referred to as the "Grand Experiment" because none of the Founding Fathers were sure if it would actually work.