The polished, highly reflective texture of Anish Kapoor's sculpture "Cloud Gate" is appealing for viewers to touch, made of 168 polished stainless steel plates, which are seemed together invisibly, the structure sits as the centrepiece of AT&T Plaza at Millenium Park in Chicago, Illinois, floating like a reflective cloud mirror.
fear would cause these people to get executed simply because people fear the truth. People are scared of people who speak out, who tell u things how they are because its truth.
Aliens would be modified versions of us. They would have bigger heads and smaller mouths as they communicate telepathically . They would work as one. They would have better body armor suits that would make them look bigger then they are and keep them safe. They want to learn our ways and teach us to expand our minds to use the rest of our brains. They want to see if we are ready to learn and grow.
Everyone makes them scary thought a different take migt get a better grade
a literature that is spoken or sung as opposed to that which is written, though much oral literature has been transcribed. There is no standard definition, as folklorists have varying descriptions for oral literature or folk literature.