The SEED of a flower develops into the fruit
Canada, one of the wealthiest countries in the world, is also one of the most water-rich. The province of Ontario shares the Great Lakes—which contain 18 percent of the world’s fresh surface water—with the United States. Access to sufficient, affordable, and safe drinking water and adequate sanitation is easy for most Canadians. But this is not true for many First Nations indigenous persons. In stark contrast, the water supplied to many First Nations communities on lands known as reserves is contaminated, hard to access, or at risk due to faulty treatment systems. The government regulates water quality for off-reserve communities, but has no binding regulations for water on First Nations reserves.
Darwin lived in a time where natural selection was a strange theory among scientists and researchers. This was especially true when other researcher Lamarck argued that organisms passed on helpful traits to their offspring, that they magically could form a new trait to adapt to their environment and then pass it onto their offspring. For example, if a giraffe was too short to reach food, it would grow a larger neck in its lifetime and then pass that trait onto its offspring. Darwin argued that, through the process of survival of the fittest, that short giraffe would die off and never receive the chance to pass on its shortness to future populations. Thus, taller giraffes would survive— they can reach food, shorter giraffes can’t— and the short genes would disappear. The fact that Darwin was introducing a new theory that nobody was used to at the time was peculiar, so he had few people on his side until long after his observations.
Another problem Darwin had was the lack of technology. To travel, Darwin would have to use boats to reach far away places, and of course, this took time.
The final problem Darwin had was the extra time it took for evolution, a process that can take up to millions of years. Evolution didn’t occur over night— it took time for Darwin to conduct experiments, observe, conduct them again, come to a conclusion, and so on.
Hope this helped a little!
1. Using bits and pieces of other sources and passing it off as one’s own work
Patchwork plagiarism
In patchwork plagiarism, an author uses bits from other people's works and pass it off as their own.
2. Passing off another person’s work as one’s own
The act of passing off another person's work as one's own is called plagiarism. It is a very serious offence
3. Passing off the entire work of another person as one’s own
Global plagiarism
Global plagiarism is the complete passing off of another person's own.
4. When most of the work is one’s own, but uncited sources are used
Incremental plagiarism
Here an author fails to cite the sources where he/she obtains information from.
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