Buddhists teachings helped people endure the suffering that followed the fall of the Han Dynasty. ... Many Chinese after the fall of the Han Dynasty turn to Buddhism because missionaries and traders carried Buddhist teachings to China. Over time, the religion spread into Korea and Japan too.
The Continental Congress.
The First Continental Congress met in September 1774 in reaction to a series of harsh laws passed by the British Parliament. Delegates from 12 of the 13 colonies met to discuss a response to those acts. The Second Continental Congress convened in 1775 after the independence war had started. It declared independece from Britain on July 4, 1776.
It sure isn't D. One of the reasons the South had trouble during the civil war is that she didn't have enough rail lines. Horses did much of the work the rails did.
The rails existed in 1865. There were lots of them. Trouble was they were mostly in the North.
The large population centers were largely in the east. Shear numbers would make rails feasible. Answer
The West did oppose the rails to some extent, but industry (like cattle and mining) wanted more rails. Most of the time the opposition came for economic reasons.
Declaration of Independence (1776)Bloody Butchery, by the British Troops: or, The Runaway Fight of the Regulars(1775)A Circumstantial Account of an Attack that Happened on the 19th of April 1775, on His Majesty's Troops (1775)
The reason why the Americans wanted to remain neutral and not take sides in the growing conflicts in Europe is because we simply didn't want to get in war that isn't our fight neither want to send troops to Europe and fight over there and waist tax payers money instead use it and others ways. Its like two people arguing because usually people let the other two argue and dont interfere because they dont want to get caught up in it and its not their problem.