Natural systems are already in place while man made systems were created by humans manipulating things in some way.
man made: human created
natural systems: existed without interference
Keyboard Shortcut Examples
crtl + esc = open start menu
alt + tab = switch apps
ctrl + z = undo
Shortcuts basically help everything occur in a quicker form . They help make the task easier .
The following code is written in Java and creates the constructor for the Dictionary class as requested. This class extends the Book class and assumes that the variables for the title and the cost are part of the Book class, so it simply calls and initializes them using the constructor.
class Dictionary extends Book {
int numberWords;
public void Dictionary(String title, int cost, int numberWords) {
this.title = title;
this.cost = cost;
this.numberWords = numberWords;
Plug and play technology
Plug and play technology also know as PnP allows user to directly connect devices to a computer and start using inmediatly. Other way user must have to search and install drivers for each component.
Usually PnP comes for regular use devices like: Keyboards, mouses, flashmemories, cameras, and others
The anwser is true. It is special type