strategy analysis
Strategy analysis is an effective way to analyse the business and internal environment within which they work and operate. Another important feature of strategy analysis is to form a competitive environment within the organisation to create an environment in order to effectively accomplish goals. It helps to form the strategic decision of the company. So, the element of good strategy is to do strategy analysis.
In the new-product development process, the TeaForMe company is in the idea screening stage
The new-product development process has 8 stages that are:
-Idea generation: is when the company looks for new ideas.
-Idea screening: the company evaluates the ideas and filters them to drop the bad ones and pick the good ones.
-Concept development and testing: is when the company develops and evaluates the product concept.
-Marketing strategy: the company creates the marketing strategy to introduce the product to the market.
-Business analysis: the company evaluates if the idea is a good business.
-Product development: is when the concept is developed into a physical product.
-Test marketing: the company evaluates the product and the marketing strategy in the market.
-Commercialisation: this refers to launching the product to the market.
According to this, the answer is that in the new-product development process, the TeaForMe company is in the idea screening stage because they generated a new idea an then, evaluated that idea and decided to drop it because it was inconsistent with the organization's new-product strategy.
Answer: intrinsically; extrinsically
Intrinsic motivation simply has to do with self satisfaction. It is the motivation that one does because one find that particular thing fun or satisfying.
Extrinsic motivation is a form of motivation that is reward driven. It is when one does something because there's a particular reward attached to that thing.
Answer: 4. Train employees to properly handle the information.
Human Error remains a very viable cause for concern in the protection of confidentiality of intellectual property. After all the non-human related measures have been taken such as using Data Loss Prevention softwares and requiring Authentication from any users accessing the information, there could still be human error from the users who have access to the information such as leaving documents lying around at home or leaving computer screens with confidential information on whilst eating at a cafe.
Indeed, misuse of Confidential information was a very big deal in the US presidential election of 2015.
This is why it is very important that Employees are trained on ways to handle confidential information so that they may be on guard and knowledgeable of ways to preserve the integrity of the confidential information that they hold.