Original due date for the corporate tax return is 15th of April
What is the original due date for the corporate tax return?
Original due date for the corporate tax return of Aqua Linda Inc is 15th of April.
What happens if the original due date falls on a Saturday?
If the original due date which 15th of April falls on a Saturday,the due date will now be the 1st day after 15th of April that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday.
In this scenario of Agua Linda, Inc.'s, the corporation due date will be 17th of April which is the Monday after Saturday the 15th
Islamic law states all people of faith should be treated equally.
Islam declares a complete equality among all mankind, regardless of one’s faith, skin color, language, gender or ethnic background.
Islamic people believe the whole universe is dominion of almighty Allah and all the people are his creatures. Everyone is born equal and will die equal. He will judge every person on the basis of merits and deeds.
In the Quran, Chapter 49, Verse 13, it reads, “O mankind we have created you from one male and female and made you into nations and the tribes that you may know one another. Surely the most honorable among you with Allah is the one who is the most righteous. Verily Allah is all-knowing all aware.”
A faction is a group of individuals concerned more with their self-interest than with the rights of individuals outside the group or with the needs of society as a whole.
he filled the senate with new members i think
Experts are of the opinion that some or all of the inhabitants of Nepal in the ancient period were likely called 'Nepals', which meant that the word 'Nepal' was used to refer to both the land and its population. These Nepals are considered the progenitors of modern-day Newars.