B) It gives the stanza a positive, playful tone.
The latin word tangent means "to touch" and tactus means "reaching"
Same Sex Marriage. One state has it, federal law prohibits it. Many states also prohibit it and prohibit recognizing such a marriage from another state. (In essence violating the full faith and credit clause of the constitution, but there are lots of examples that in law) The US supreme court has not weighed in. So the issue is open. This issue could go lots of ways, depending on what cases get to the supreme court.
I would say PDF, it has always been professional. You could also ask your teacher, but it shouldn't matter much.
The setting is some sort of therapy session perhaps one where "survivors" tell their stories. The seventh man of the title tells his story within this minimal framing. He recounts a childood experience, the loss of his best friend K, and his own survival, during a typhoon and tsunami when he was 10 years old.