A. Abandoning those living under brutal regimes and denied human rights is seen as a past foreign policy flaw.
Racial segregation affects children's self-image.
1. Jefferson supported bimetallism (ethos appeal)
2. It benefited small town farmers who took out loans to pay for their homes and farms.
3. Money is relative. If we say something has value, it does. Gold is only seen as valuable because it always has.
4. International Bimetallism is already practiced.
This powerful speech secured Bryan's seat as a presidential candidate and an advocate for the Populist's party in the upcoming election. He uses rhetoric to push beyond people's tradition and embrace bimetallism in this speech, something which was later achieved.
Totalitarian government is very controlling
<span>Positive: horses, food, and new technologies. Negative: severe depopulation, disease, displacement, and loss of lands.</span>