Extermination also known as magnitudium
It would be Martin Cooper that contributed most directly to creation of the cell phone. <span>Cooper and his team at Motorola, the communications company, created maybe the only thing that runs the lives of business professionals and teenagers alike -- the cell phone.</span>
The quote “<em>starving in detail for an ungrateful people who did not care what became of us</em>.” was said by a soldier known as Joseph Plumb Martin from Connecticut who wrote what they felt. The quote means that soldiers were pretty low, morals were terrible, rations were poor, and soldiers went unpaid. They also Lost their property most of the time which meant a loss of their rights.
Things to remember when grouping ideas into an outline:
1. Have a theme or thesis that will guide the organization of your ideas. If you try to include everything that might be said about a subject, your project will be too broad and might provide too much random information. Find a focus -- a theme you want to show or a thesis you intend to defend and demonstrate.
2. Have a coherent pattern in how you organize your ideas. There could be more than one sort of pattern -- maybe a chronological flow, maybe biggest concepts first, followed by smaller supporting points. But look for links between your points. What will be the transitions from each point to the next as you write?
3. Keep your audience in mind. Remember that you're presenting your work to others, and seek to include material and arrange material in ways that will reach the intended audience. You wouldn't include a high amount of technical detail on military aircraft specifications, for instance, in writing a report for non-military people about how a particular battle was a turning point in a war.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Yo considero que la pérdida de trabajo ocasionado por pandemia ha generado la crisis económica por la que pasan muchas familias en el Perú.
Y es que, desafortunadamente para la familia Peruana, una vez iniciada la pandemia se ordenó el confinamiento de las personas en sus casas, lo que provocó que ya no hubiera público afuera, en los lugares públicos.
Luego, el gobierno ordenó el cierre de negocios no esenciales y ahi fue cuando miles de negocios de entretenimiento, esparcimiento y recreación se fueron a la quiebra. Muchos Peruanos perdieron sus trabajos.
La crisis generada por esta pandemia y sus repercusiones en el aspecto laboral ha causado estragos en las economías de países como el Perú.
Los expertos consideran que van a pasar años antes de que todo se vuelva a regularizar en matera económica.