On this day in 1939, in response to Hitler’s invasion of Poland, Britain and France, both allies of the overrun nation declare war on Germany.
Their newspapers were filled with sensational stories designed to get the widest possible readership.
world bank
emphasizes getting countries out of poverty traps such as low productivity ,poor infrastructure, weak public health and education systems
they were hurt
nukes fly by there and then the get hurt
This road was called Royal Road.
The Persian Royal Road was an ancient road built by King Darius I in the 5th century. Dario built the road to provide rapid communication throughout his great empire from Susa to Sardis.
Archaeologists believe that the western part of the road was originally built by the kings of Assyria, as it proceeds through the heart of that ancient empire, by not following exactly the shortest and easiest way between the most important cities of the Achaemenid Empire. The eastern most parts of the road (now northern Iran) coincide with the largest known trade route, the Silk Road.
However, Dario I made the Royal Highway as it is known today by investing in the structure of the road and joining its parts completely, primarily as a fast mode of communication using the kingdom's pirradaziš, or messengers.