Principles of Geology
J. Henslow gifted Darwin the first volume of Principles of Geology, written by Charles Lyell. The book explains about the old age of the earth. Accordingly, the slow rate of several geological processes suggests that the earth is very old.
Darwin read the book as the ship was crossing the Atlantic and learned about geological processes occurring over the millions of years. For example, he learned that the earth's surface was not formed by some catastrophic event.
In his book, Lyell explained the slow and gradual geological processes like erosion gave rise to the vast landscapes present on the earth's surface.
Darwin compared the time taken by geological processes to form the earth's surface and reasoned if these millions of years were enough to support the evolution of species.
Ground Shaking. If an earthquake generates a large enough shaking intensity, structures like buildings, bridges and dams can be severley damaged, and cliffs and sloping ground destabilised. ... Tsunami.Landslides and Rockfalls.Subsidence and Lateral Spreading.Liquefaction
Explanation:formula for gene frequency is p+q=1
where p is the dominant allele and q is the recess allele.
Given than p=0.35
Answer is 0.8775
Neurons are similar to other cells because neurons have a cell membrane, a nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondria, organelles, and carry out processes such as energy production.
Neurons differ from other cells because neurons have extensions called axons and dendrites, they communicate with each other through an electrochemical process which we just talked about, and neurons have specialized structures such as synapses and chemicals such as neurotransmitters.
there you go
In the attachment are some examples: