There's a thing that records sunshine?!?! my life is a lie
I think they're set in a vertical motion. Up to the crest and down towards the trough. Something about kinetic energy
Meiosis I: in meiosis I there is pair of chromosomes called homologous chromosomes which are to be seperated so one of that two chromosomes right pole of the cell and the second one goes to the left pole so each pole gets a chromosome with two sister chromatids.
Meiosis II: While in meiosis II homologous pair is not formed and single array of chromosomes are arranged to form metaphase plate as formed in Mitosis so, when the spindle fibres contracts each sister chromatids went to their respective poles.
The brain represents 2% of the total body weight for a human. But it uses 20% of the total oxygen and calories absorbed by the body (so ten times more than its weight ratio) it proves that it is an important organ that need a lot of energy.
The brain is the seat of higher functions (cognitive functions, senses, nervous responses) and vegetative functions. It is, therefore, an essential organ that regulates all vital functions. Like a central unit in a desk computer, the brain receives information from the entire human body via afferent nerves, integrates and analyzes them, and responds by emitting new signals that descend to the parts of the body concerned by the efferent nerves.