Answer: A.) "I didn't commit the crime." called out one of the defandants. B.) He claimed, "I didn't steal it.", but no one believed him. C.) "I'll just get everything." Mrs. Dalloway.
I really hope this helps.
Instead, the post-drought seeds gave rise to plants that flowered earlier than those of the pre-drought seeds, even in the greenhouse, confirming that the shift in flowering time really was due to an underlying change in the plants' genetic program.
I think the questions that must be ask are:
a.What does “encryption” mean?
d.What are “key distribution problems”?
All the text is based on the concept "encryption" so it is very important to know what it means in order to undestand the rest of the information. If not, you will be missing important facts. In addition, there are a lot of words used that are derived from this one, so you won't be able to undestand them.
Another important concept that gives a lot of information just by knowing it's meaning is "key distribution problems", they could be two or a thousand, it is important to know what they are and what they do.
The other question that seems important is the one of the "public key cryphtography" but this one can be inferred by the context.