A) because igneous rock will take a lot longer to erode compared to sediment.
<u><em>The 6 !!! benefits of the "General Maritime Treaty" </em></u>
1. Treaty banned piracy in the Persian Gulf, piracy on the coast was virtually eliminated
2. The level of maritime war – in particular against foreign vessels – was dramatically reduced.
3. The treaty banned slavery.
4. The treaty provided for the exchange of envoys so as to make the so-called "friendly Arabs" act together against external forces and refrain from killing people after they gave up their weapons or to take them as slaves.
5. The Treaty prohibits the transport by vessels of slaves "from the coast of Africa or elsewhere."
6. It was part of the UK strategic strategy to ensure that open lines of communication between the British and the Arabs existed. The "friendly Arabs" would be free to trade, leave, and enter British ports
disadvantages of General Maritime Treaty 1820 to the Trucial States
1. Government in Bombay was most dissatisfied with leniency over the coastal tribes and desired, to introduce some conditions of greater stringency
2. The treaty should have for bade the building of coastal fortifications
3. Restricted ship-building and stipulated powers
4. Confiscation as well as empowering British forces to destroy any construction undertaken in the face of the prohibition.
Revolution means going around some point: Earth moves around its axis once per day and around the Sun once per year.
I am assuming here that you mean the revolution around the sun (around its own axis would be 360 degrees a day, a full circle, but the phrase is more commonly used to describe movement around the sun).
it revolves a full circle each year, that is 364 days. So each day it makes 360/364 Degress, that is approximately one degree per day - the answer is 1)
These questions provides information about the location where the shopping mall is built.
Where is it located? Why is it there? What is the significance of the location? These are the questions help us to understand the significance of the location where a shopping mall is built. We chose the location which is more suitable as well as present in more crowded area so that more people comes to the place. The location is chosen on the basis of earning more profit from the business so location or geography is very important for the business.