Children do not have to attend school after eighth grade. -is a FALSE statement about the standard of living in New Zealand.
1940s. In the United States, where Ten Thousand Villages (formerly Self Help Crafts) began buying needlework from Puerto Rico in 1946, and SERRV began to trade with poor communities in the South in the late 1940s. The first formal “Fair Trade” shop which sold these and other items opened in 1958 in the USA.
The correct answer is - A. widening.
Both of the countries suffer from low fertility rate, Japan little more than the USA. The gap is widening because of the migrations.
- USA is country that is on the top of the list as a destination for migration, and also it is a country that allows big number of migrants in it every year, that contributes to the country's population to become bigger and bigger even though the fertility rate is low.
-Japan the other hand is a country that has both very low fertility rate, and very small amount of migrants coming to live in it, so the number of the population is stagnant for some time now, and is expected to start decreasing quickly in the coming years once the older population is not among the living anymore.
From the statements mentioned about Convergent Boudaries we can select the following as true.
- Convergent boundaries are where two plates move toward each other. By definition this statement is true.
- New oceanic plate (oceanic lithosphere) is created at convergent boundaries. True, a new oceanic plate can form from the action of convergent boundaries at midocean, lava and million of years do the remaining job.
- Convergent boundaries that have subduction occurring provide a "pull" force that contributes to plate motion. False, Subducting melt and ascend trough the rock creating a volcanic eruption cone and producing an island chain.
- Oceanic plates can be destroyed at convergent boundaries due to subduction. False, The older plate will subduct due to its density and it is forced deep into the mantle, it will melt once the deepth is reached.
Um I can't answer cause I don't know what the problem is