US troops kept marching farther into North Korea, getting closer to the Chinese border.
China's Communist leader Mao Zedong became involved in the Korean war in 1950 after meeting Kim. Mao Zedong was concern about American forces that would overthrow Kim Il-Sung and occupation the whole Korean peninsula. He decided to act and agreed to support the North Korean invasion. Mao believed that by dispatching Chinese Red Army troops in Korea would be beneficial for the country.
he put all his money into steel manufacturing
i think that's the right answer
Because this caused ex slaves to go into debt, once they were freed they had no access to jobs which lead to sharecropping. this resulted into them working for free to repay their debts
In the Soviet Union, The Great Depression helped Stalins iron grip on power.
The United States Created Economic Plans such as FDR's New Deal Programs and publics works projects to respond to the economic hardship spreading around the Country.
The Weimar Government (German Government Post-WW1) Could not muster an effective response really. The response was large government spending and inflation on a Massive scale.
because they want to change the problems that were ignored