Earth's surface? earthquake, erosion, volcanoes erupting, or landslides
1. Egyptian Empire
2. Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, Amenhotep III
3. None
4. The New Kingdom saw Egypt attempt to create a buffer between the Levant and Egypt, and attained its greatest territorial extent.
5. I’m not sure
6. The building or pyramids and temples and clothe
7. The Valley of the Kings was the burial place of the New Kingdom Pharaohs, as well as some of their relatives, officials and priests.
8. Search for pictures of the valley of the kings
9. The New Kingdom ended when the priests of Amun grew strong enough to assert their power at Thebes and divide the country between their rule and the pharaoh's at the city of Per-Ramesses.
10. 11
Venezuela (oficialmente República Bolivariana de Venezuela) es un país en la costa norte de América del Sur, que limita con Colombia, Brasil y Guyana. Su sociedad ha sido profundamente moldeada por la colonización española, que introdujo el catolicismo romano y el idioma español. Hoy, la cultura dominante de Venezuela refleja una mezcla de costumbres indígenas y españolas, así como influencias regionales caribeñas y andinas. Los venezolanos a menudo se describen como personas cálidas, acogedoras y abiertas. En general, están unificados por un deseo compartido de justicia e igualdad. Esto lo encarna el héroe nacional, Simón Bolívar, de quien están muy orgullosos. Sin embargo, las costumbres y actitudes pueden variar significativamente según la clase, etnia o localidad de una persona (por ejemplo, rural o urbana). De hecho, las percepciones de la cultura a menudo difieren especialmente entre personas de diferentes clases sociales y económicas.
Venezuela es un país en desarrollo y ocupa el puesto 113 en el Índice de Desarrollo Humano. Tiene las reservas de petróleo más grandes del mundo y ha sido uno de los principales exportadores de petróleo del mundo.
Question: Briefly compare the economic situation in the Jamestown colony before and after John Rolfe's "discovery" of tobacco. How did Rolfe "save" the Jamestown colony from economic collapse?
Answer: <em>The Tobacco industry was established by colonist John Rolfe in 1613. Before this, the Jamestown colonists were going through an economic crisis, often referred as “The Starving Time,” a very difficult time between the colonists and Indians and the deaths of many English people from starvation and disease. Because of this, they had decided to abandon Jamestown, but settlers from England arrived and they were determined to find wealth in Virginia. They began the Tobacco Industry and this stimulated the growth of the Virginia colony in a very rapid manner and incremented the economy of Jamestown. In conclusion, John Rolfe saved the Jamestown colony from economic collapse. </em>
Explanation: Jamestown was America’s first permanent English colony, in Virginia, 1607. These early Virginians government, language, customs and beliefs are a part of the United States’ heritage today. James Town was sponsored by the Virginia Company of London, a group of investors who hoped to profit from the venture. John Smith became the colony’s leader in September 1608, and established a “no work, no food” policy. Smith had been the main person to establish trading with the Powhatan Indians for food. Smith’s death was followed by the “starving time,” a very difficult time between the colonists and Indians and the deaths of many English people from starvation and disease. Due to this, the colonists had decided to abandon Jamestown in 1610, but settlers from England arrived and they were determined to find wealth in Virginia. These settlers tried to make a profit for the Virginia Company by building glassmaking industries, wood production industries and more. However, none of their efforts were successful. In 1613, colonist John Rolfe began the Tobacco industry and it was a success. The cultivation required large amounts of land and labor. The Tobacco industry stimulated the growth of the Virginia colony in a very rapid manner. Due to this, settlers decided to occupy the lands of the Powhatan Indians, and increased numbers of indentured servants came to Virginia.
The leader of the Muslim religion is Imam