Domestic policy is a type of public policy overseeing administrative decisions that are directly related to all issues and activity within a state's borders. It differs from foreign policy, which refers to the ways a government advances its interests in external politics.
You can clearly see that a firefighter needs to be physically strong, flexible and have muscular endurance to work effectively. Fitness is also important to combat fatigue. In a 15 hour night shift, a firefighter may attend numerous fires through the night, so needs to be able to cope with tiredness on a regular basis.
States usually create the laws of their countries and governments can break their own laws. This led Penny Green and Tony Ward in 2005 to define state crime as "illegal or deviant activity perpetrated by or with the complicity of state agencies". The genocide in Rwanda is an example.
Human rights are the challenge of changing norms and values. Wanting to apply Western standards to all societies would be a difficult argument for many individuals. It does not seem acceptable to argue that women should have fewer rights in Saudi Arabia than in the United Kingdom.
State crimes are not reported because states and the government do not always share the same values and norms.
A) Each party sees the national convention as a way to unify and strengthen its party
Hope this helped, good luck!