You can only cut down a integer number of trees. So you might look at a few integer values for x. As x get large the –x4 term dominates the expression for big losses. x = 0 is easy P(x) = -6. Without cutting any trees you have lost money Put x = 1 and you get for the terms in order -1 + 1 + 7 -1 -6 = 0. So P(x) crosses zero just before you cut the first tree. So you make a profit on only 1 tree. However when x=10 you are back into no profit. So compute a few values for x = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
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Answer: 70
Step-by-step explanation:
Given that a statistics teacher taught a large introductory statistics class, with 500 students having enrolled over many years.
Mean = 78 and std dev =10
Next time, sample size n was reduced to 25
For smaller sample size the mean was found to be = 83
The teacher wanted to know if teaching a smaller class was more effective and students performed better
ie comparison of two means of two samples should be done with different sample sizes but same teacher.
Hence hypothesis should be:
where x denotes the I sample and Y the second with 25 students.
Answer: It should be the first one again.