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Network Structure
The Network structure helps to to know what has changed in the external environment (PESTLE Factors) that are uncontrollable but can be managed by aligning the organization's strategy with the environmental factors and to those factors that are internal to organization. So these acknowledgement of changes in the environment in which the organization helps to adapt the changes using the social systems which is interconnection of suppliers, customers, customer behavior changes analysis, iterdependence of departments on each other. Such a system which exists which helps in managing risks is known as Network Structure.
Most college students are "owls," with performance improving across the day. Most older adults are "larks," with performance declining as the day progresses.
- Depending on the age, the activity levels in humans vary. The ability to retain and use energy in college-going students is more than that in the older adults.
- The reason behind this is the agility and endurance that a comparatively young physique has than an old physique.
- The performance of college students is seen improving across the day because their bodies get prepared for more activity with increased activity. The opposite can be deemed to be true for older adults.
Answer: The medical assistant should identify that the child is using the Regression defense mechanism.
Explanation: Regression refers to a method whereby an individual act out behaviour typical of an earlier developmental stage rather than handling unacceptable impulses in a more adaptive way. Regression is a strategy employed in defense mechanism which is a strategy used unconsciously by individuals to cope with harmful or stressful situations.