If I "weren't" dieting, I "would eat?" that ice cream.
I "won't help" if you won't "talk" to me.
If the weather "were" better, we "would go" to the beach.
If Bob "hadn't fallen", he "could've played" in the match.
We "will leave" as soon as Jack "finishes".
If I "hadn't" fallen asleep, I "could've seen" the end of the film.
If you "want" to succeed, you "will work" harder.
1. gerund phrase - the verbal ending in -ing that is used as a noun is called a gerund
2. verb phrase - just a regular verb and all of the words surrounding it
3. adverb phrase - functions the same way as an adverb, which means that it answers questions such as when, where, why, how, etc.
4. participial phrase - although a participle looks the same as a gerund, it is never used as a noun, but rather as an adjective, or adverb
After I finish my school year I head on over to Khan Academy, all summer break I study to sharpen my memory and knowledge last year I took their Economics class along with biology I learned so much and had a great time I would recommend you try it!
Why might classes be canceled or delayed?