the Gray colour shows us that Aunt Em is old
That’s the challenge English Language Learners (ELLs) face if they want to catch up to their native English-speaking classmates. That’s almost 4,000 new words a year if a student begins school as a kindergartner!
But what about the English Language Learners who don’t enroll until middle school or high school? For these students, the vocabulary challenge is even more demanding. To meet it, teachers must learn and use the most effestudents to vi
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Hip hop belongs in the category:- Pop
As we all know, Micheal Jackson was the king of pop, so we was probably the owner also.
Examples of Globalization. Globalization is growth on a worldwide scale. It is the process of integration and international influence of economies and cultures.
yup the best one that explains the paragraph is the last one. bc even the master sugars were tough they didnt treat them like property, the workers depended uopn the way that plantaions owners treates workers.
~batmans wife dun dun dun....