1.unless i ride the bus.
2. it takes 25 on a day without traffic
3, 2 hours opening the trunk
4. i havent seen him in 5 years. pay 35 dollars for their service.
6. is on a monday & i have school
7.the suspense
8. been so long since i last seen her,
9. so did my sister
10.good to do morning exercises.
Explanation:its common sense
Mary Rowlandson is a Puritan.
As a writer and reader I disagree with this. Perhaps if you are writing for a scientific journal or business report, long blocks of text can seem like you have a lot of info. Generally speaking, especially in fiction and non fiction i think unbroken pages of text will best case scenario bore a reader, worst case scenraio burden and overwhelm them with a lot of info so the feel daunted about continuing.